Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When we finally start to release our sketches, you will notice a great many of them have a very sinister tone. The reason for this is that a great many of the members of WE DID IT! are very sinister people who enjoy sinister movies with sinister music. Though Sean Hardaway is the expert on this area, I have discovered a very good youtube series that counts down the fifteen greatest horror movie themes and I would like to share some of my favorites from that list with you. Through this music I hope you better understand what kind of people you are dealing with. Also, it's just good music.

Here is the link to the playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9A0D029C8CDF6E18

If you haven't seen these movies, you should. Though I can't vouch for "Deep Red" because I haven't seen it and "Cannibal Holocaust" is the only movie that physically and psychicaly harmed me. I am not joking. If you don't like it when movies make you want to kill yourself, don't watch "Cannibal Holocaust". I watched it with two friends and when it was over we had to hug eachother and promise never to speak of the experience again. Yes, I just broke that promise, but you have to understand that promises mean nothing to me and someday I will betray you.


Sean Hardaway

Deep Red is awesome.


I've broken that promise on several occasions, and I sat through it a second time because no matter how much I pleaded Ike had to see it, and I don't recommend a second viewing, I'm pretty sure I have no soul now. I am an empty shell.

Anthony D Herrera

Lala, when Ike got that hankering to see that movie, you should have called me. I would have come over, raped him, and said "It's like that, but worse".


Ike says the rape would have been worse, but I upset him by mentioning cannibal holocaust - which is the proper reaction. One good thing did come out of the second viewing; we rented zombie holocaust the same night. Zombie vs. Shark, now that's fun for the whole family.