Thursday, March 5, 2009

We are lice. OFFICIAL!

So it turns out that this blog is lice. This blog is to the internet what tiny blood sucking vermnin are to a human head. In order to get rid of us you would need a special sort of computer shampoo to choke the life out of our parasitic bodies and an e-comb to remove our minature corpses from the dandruff covered skull of the information super highway. At least, that is what myspace thinks of us.

I tried to link this blog from my myspace blog so that my friends that don't all come from the same suburb of Dallas could find it. But myspace stepped in and severed the link and replaced it a page that explained that the page the link would take you to is like lice and if you went there you would get lice all over you. This seemed to me to be an unfair characterization.

Sure, if you were to physically meet any one member of WE DID IT!, chances are that you would end up with some sort of parasite or fungus or STD or.........anything really. We're not clean people and we never said we were. Our floors are sticky, our feet stink, we have open wounds, and our cat has shit hanging off of its ass at all times. We're fucking gross. But just because we're toxic in the real world doesn't mean our blog has or is cooties.

Wait a second....cooties......of course! Myspace likes us but doesn't know how to show it. Being such a large social networking system and taking to account the average intelligence of a dedicated myspace user, it is perfectly logical to assume that myspace has gained conciousness but has the intelligence of a first grader! That's why it's abusing us, it wants to go out with us!

Well myspace, I wish you just would have asked instead of playing these childish games. Speaking for all the members of WE DID IT!, I would just like to say that there is no god damn way in hell we would ever go out with you. You're teeth are fucked, you smell like hobo pants, and you're fat in all the wrong places. Also, if we're lice then you're the oozing herpes sore on the upper lip of the internet and the crabs in the crotch of humanity.



Seriously, those dingle berries are gross as hell.