Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sketch #5 - Plant Ref

Okay kids, so we're going to be starting a few new things here at the We Did It! blog, so pay attention. Our sketches will continue to be posted every Tuesday at 7pm but in addition to that we have Throw-Away Thursdays and the We Did It Weekly Newsletter!

Every Thursday we'll be posting: test footage, sketches that didn't pan out, older footage (from Pre-We Did It! years), candid footage, special effects attempts, animation tests and generally all the new content that doesn't belong on our weekly uploadings. There'll be some great and rare stuff here so be sure to check us out every Thursday and see the shit we're throwing away!

Our second new addition is the We Did It Weekly Newsletter! which will contain more information about the sketches we're filming, opportunities for fans, as well as some rants and assorted begging for favors. E-mail us and tell your friends to e-mail us and let us know that you want to be our fan!

Now that we've gotten all that out of the way... I present to you We Did It! sketch #5 -- Plant Ref.

Enjoy that? Good. You should have. Now e-mail us at wedidit.mail@gmail.com



ninja is only good one!

Anthony D Herrera



Harsh comments. This one wasn't so good (but maybe I don't know the film/show it seems to be parodying?) My general feeling is that all of these are too long, unless there are really interesting characters I really think a sketch should be sub 1 min at the max. That way you have to concentrate all of the funny stuff. But hey, they don't pay me to write comedy so what do I know? Good luck.

Anthony D Herrera

Nobody pays us to write comedy either. Your opinion is much appreciated.