Forks of Pure Legit-ning
I got so jazzed about our new banner that I made a tribute.
Here's the imaginary voice over that I would have recorded if I'd had a microphone and the stamina to make a cartoon longer than fifteen seconds:
"It all began on a mellow Tuesday afternoon. The sun was happily whistling and the sky was listening attentively. All of the sudden- Clouds! Birds! Electric Guitar! A storm was brewing, both metaphorical and actual"- would be pronounced ack-chul, mountain man like- "Out of nowhere, a flash. A bang. A gigantic mouth hovered in the sky. It's voice was thunder, and its words were forks of pure legit-ning. In electric letters cross the sky it wrote the future: WE DID IT"
This is truth. This is now. This is forever.
This feels like the intro to You Can't Do That on Television, and it's pure awesome.
Supremely epic
A kickin' layout and the ability to make comments
We truly did do it.
Incidentally the who did it sections and our blogs section on the right side are now blank.
Hey! You did a great job on this man, can't wait to talk to you about it when you get back!
Also, as a response to what Nick Reed said -- I just fixed the side bar panels. I've been tampering around with the template a lot and our side panel and widgets get messed with when that happens.
We did it!
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