Friday, March 6, 2009


If I were to tell you that all of your dreams have already come true and are simply waiting for you to find them, would you believe me?

Let me tell you about my dream. My dream was about a music video where a bunch of relatively attractive dudes with cool hair cuts and positive attitudes jump around and push eachother and just generally have a good time all over the place and interspersed between this footage are shots of a shirtless young man, who is part of that other group of young men and is identified easily as the one with the best hair cut and the cleanest looks, droning an unrequited love song in a monotone and then breaking into a high pitched electronicaly aided whine and then there are bagpipers and bagpipes.

This was something I knew the world needed. I've known this since I was a child. I thought it was up to me to bring this vision to life, and I was going to use the resources of WE DID IT! to make it happen, but the Universe beat me to it:

So you see, all great works have already happened and it is up to us to find them and not actually do or make anything of value. Though I must say that if I had had the chance to bring my full vision to life, the young men would probably have pushed and shoved eachother a bit more.


Sean McCoy

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