Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Related Videos

One of the most fascinating/scary things about this whole WE DID IT! thing is youtubes reaction to us. Now, I'm not talking about the viewers of youtube but of the actual web site itself. We seem to confuse the hell out of it. This is very apparent in the "related videos" section of the sketches we put up. It does it's best to fill that slot with other sketch comedy shows and even seems to be able to read this blog and fill it with videos that appear on it such as Cicero's "Love is Everywhere" and the Shadow fan vid. But for certain slots, it seems to take a gigantic leap in the dark and think that this is related to BONK.....

this is related to BAD.....

and this is related to SQUEEZE....

Youtube, like your extended family who doesn't get you, but on the internet.



You do realize, of course, that putting these videos up on our blog will just reinforce youtube's belief that they are related.

Incidentally, I think the next sketch should be a shot for shot remake of that first video

Anthony D Herrera

First of all, don't ever presume to think that I realize anything ever. Second of all, who would play who?


I think it's obvious.

Anthony would play the guy watching.
Phil would play the guy trying to save the girl.
I would play the girl.

And it's not just because I want Phil to put his mouth on my mouth.