Friday, March 20, 2009

Accept no substitute

I found out, via piecing together clues from my compatriots that we're not the only We Did It! out there. Some other group knew we would be so awesome that they took our name before we could even think it up. While I salute their recognition of greatness, this won't spare them from the revolution.

Recently though, I found out that those who wish to leach off our greatness does not simply stop at our would be rivals. This Jesus fellow has seen it fit to have his followers feast upon our fans who type too quickly.

As you may or may not know, the address above this post says

Compare that to the site, nay the mega site, of Bible studies and information

Now, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but seriously? Does an institution that has claim to around 30% of the world's population need to latch on to us to boost their numbers?

I don't know if any big Church© execs read this, but if some do I suggest to just do what coke did. People are pretty tiered of this new pope, so bring back the old one but call it Pope Classic. People loved that guy! I don't know why you got rid of him.

That, or maybe chocolate crosses? People love chocolate.

They're always two steps ahead of me


Sean McCoy

Good post. Salute you.

Sean Hardaway

WELCOME to this easy to navigate MEGA-SITE of Bible, Christian, church & religious information, sermons & studies. Includes the audio & written Bible, sound doctrine, prophecy, a photo tour of Israel and spiritual warfare. If it's in the Bible, it should be here. Among the Web's most complete Christian sites, by God's mercy (app. 6000 pgs & 4000 subjects). A few minutes reading this page could PROVE to you the Bible is true.

I can't believe it was real...

Nick Grant

My favorite part is where it says


We Are Now In The Latter Days Of The End Times How To Be Saved

(a brief summary)


--Got to be a chocolate jesus
Keep me satisfied--