Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Sketch Filmed! Bad!

Anthony, Nick Reed and I got out there today and shot our sketch "Bad." We had only about an hour or two of daylight, so we had to shoot quickly and I didn't have any crew, so I had to get good audio and video just by myself. It was nice to rely on myself for once, and the shots and audio (for the most part) are all good enough, so I'm glad that I didn't mess up huge on anything.

After we had been shooting for about five minutes, a dad and his two sons came on to the basketball court and just started playing. They didn't seem to care that we were filming. Then when we told them we were shooting a sketch comedy show, they said "Awesome!" and then started playing football... On the basketball court. They wouldn't leave and soon a kid from the neighborhood came in and started "bonding" with this family too! It was my mistake, I should've been more prepared with a more private location and a larger window of opportunity (these kids played for the entire hour we were there, I have a hard time running for twenty minutes straight). Needless to say, fuck families.

I had a pretty cool little setup though, what with our AudioTechnica plugged into the GL2 and Hardaway's sweet ass Sony headphones on. I looked like the modern-man, all cyborged out. We got in there and shot for fourty-five minutes and came away with twelve minutes of recorded footage. From that twelve minutes of footage, I cut it down to about a three-and-a-half minute sketch. That means I had about a 1:4 ratio of production time to shot footage and then another 1:4 ratio of shoot footage to footage used. That at the very least was something I was happy about.

One man crew, two man cast, shot for about $40 total ($20 for Gatorade and DV tape, and then $20 on sweatbands, basketballs, and Nick Reed's costume). An hour to shoot and hour to edit (the rough cut at least). I think if I pick my sketches right, I can come away with this kind of product more often. Nick Reed and Anthony work really well together, though, so you just let them run wild and they're consistently hilarious.

After I tidy up the rough cut (some foley and color correction left, but that's about it. These pictures are actually saved frames from the rough cut that I color corrected in Photoshop) I'll post it up here as well as on the We Did It! blog. And then also onto our as-of-yet-created We Did It YouTube Channel!



"I'll post it up here as well as on the We Did It! blog."

You'll post it here as well as the We Did It! Blog? Isn't this the We Did It! Blog? Did you create another We Did It! Blog that I don't know about? If so when did you do it and why? Also why does the link lead back to this page? Or is this page a different page that is identical in every way to the other page? If so, why two pages? Shotgun approach?

All I wanted was a blog that gave me the answers, but I have ended up with only more questions. Curse you We Did It!! You have toyed with my heart for the last time!

Sean McCoy

Man, I could explain everything to you in a sentence so brief Hemingway would've been impressed, but instead I'll allow you to live in a world of wonder and mystery, because truly, in the long run, you'll be happier to have questions unanswered than you will be to have your search for truth cut short at such a young age.